Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Continuing the lifestyle changes...and enjoying the process!

Several pretty great things have happened this week. I discovered that I can make lemon curd with honey instead of refined sugar and it is pretty stinking fabulous. I found a way to make quinoa for breakfast that I actually enjoy AND I created a whole new daily routine, to add to the new weekly routine of 3x a week of infrared therapy that I started a couple of weeks ago. See? Great stuff happening around here!

A check in on the inferred therapy shows that contrary to my suspicion it is VERY helpful! When I first get done I will admit that I don't feel great I feel sort of gutted and my vision is awkward, which at first was super disconcerting BUT after a bit of consideration when a marathon runner is done running or a power lifter is done lifting, they also feel extreme fatigue they might not loose their vision but still, knowing that this is temporary and will clear up as I cool down makes it ok and sort of put me back in the no pain no gain game...which I love!!! SEE?!? It really is all in the attitude!
The immediate benefit I am getting from this therapy is that I am able to get up as little as only three times the night that I do it! THREE TIMES as opposed to getting up every 35-45 minutes all night long!!! Also my muscle spasms are reduced for quite a few hours! So better sleep and less pain...that a winner in my book! I am looking forward to keeping up with this therapy!

Onto my quinoa! OMG can I just tell you that if you make it according to the package (Ic water 1/2c quinoa) it is not spectacular at all BUT if you add 2TBL of coconut milk (the real stuff in the can) and two chopped dates to the water when you cook it ooolala it becomes great! This makes enough for two breakfasts so you only have to make it every other day...which is also a plus! I top my bowl with another TBL of coconut milk and I gotta say I will be okay for breakfast in May when eggs are eliminated!

At first I am pretty sure that I won't be having much that is sweet at all with even fruit likely being held to a minimum so I really wanted to try and see if I could make lemon curd with honey instead of refined sugar that was actually good not gross so that once I could have some extra sweetness and hopefully eggs) I had something in mind that I already knew would hit the spot. (Its all about being prepared even though it will be august at the EARLIEST by the time this happens) Other than the honey, I made another change, I decided not to strain it of the egg bits, why take that protein away? Instead I got out my trusty immersion blender and poof, silky smooth unstrained lemon curd that was as amazing warm as it is chilled!

Onto the daily change, or the biggest daily change anyway. Last week I started doing 30 minutes of yoga after I walk the dog and before showering every morning. This had been amazing. How have I never done this before? Well actually I know why, yoga didn't interest me, it isn't an adrenaline rush like lifting something heavy can be, but seriously it is time for me to stop feeling sorry for myself and start rolling with the punches that have come my way, which in part means finding a challenge that I can stick with. Because yoga incorporates flexibility and balance with strength and breathing this seems like an obvious choice to anyone outside the box, but for me it took a long time to wrap my head around. Then in walks yogaglo. Well in walked a friend who has practiced for 30 years, and she told me that she had started using an online subscription for yoga and so of course I had to check it out...(after thinking about it for 6 months hah I told you I suck)
If you have never heard of yogaglo and you have EVER considered doing yoga in the comfort of your own home you really do need to check them out. It is an online subscription (there are a lot of them, this is the Cadillac version just go for it, it's worth the extra money per month) featuring thousands of sessions with top notch instructors. There are literally 44 different focuses to choose from and 32 specific body parts to narrow it down for you!

So rolling out of bed to a sip of chamomile tea while feeding the dog, leaving with the hubby for a walk with the dog and then coming home to have a yoga session before my quinoa breakfast has made this a really great week...and its Wednesday and usually by Wednesday I am feeling like if I can  just live through Wednesday I will make it to Friday...this week for the first time in the memorable past I am feeling positive!

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